The Blackthorn Key

The Blackthorn Key
Work from the bottom up--Response 1 first and Response 13 last.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Response 2

Why is the apothecaries’ motto “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid”? Describe the work of an apothecary. How is the job related to medicine and science? How is it related to cooking?


  1. “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” This is the apothecaries motto because of the work they accomplished. Apothecary's use different herbs and ingredients to make potions, powders and creams. In the book on page 10 it states, “The recipe is everything, It isn’t like baking a cake. The potions, creams, jellies, and powders Master Benedict made-with my help-required and incredibly delicate touch. A spoonful too little nither, a pinch too much aniseed, and your brilliant new remedy for dropsy would congeal instead into worthless green goo.” While the apothecaries and their apprentices make these things they need to be precise and careful with how much or how little they put in. Like science for example, when science are making or creating things they need to be very precise. The Apothecary's job is related to medicine and science because they would create remedies that would cure people. Cooking is similar to what the apothecaries do because when you’re making food you have to follow a recipe and get the taste you want, with the apothecaries work they also need to follow a recipe to achive there goal.

  2. The apothecaries motto is “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” because apothecaries are like pharmacists and pharmacologists. They are like pharmacists and pharmacologists because a pharmacist give out the medicine, and pharmacologists make the medicine. The work of an apothecary is creating medicines from powders, herbs, and liquids. Being an apothecary is a lot like cooking because on page 32 it says, “‘In small doses,’ Master Benedict said, ‘madapple is effective for treating asthma.’ He pushed the first cup toward me. The three crushed seeds swirled at the bottom of the darkening water. It smelled rank. ‘This is the correct dose for a man of ordinary size.’ He pushed the second cup toward me. ‘This amount of madapple will cause terrible hallucinations, true waking nightmares. Once those are gone, the patient's body will be racked with pain for days.’ Finally, he handed me the last cup. ‘This will kill you. Drink it, and five minutes you’ll be dead.’” If you put too much of one thing in and not enough of another thing the recipes you are making could become very nasty. I remember making cookies and putting too much vanilla in and the cookies expanding double the size they were supposed to they were good they just tasted more like vanilla than anything. It is also a lot like medicine and science because the apothecaries had to experiment with different herbs and liquids to cure patients.

    1. I am picturing your cookies being double in size! LOL! Great connection here, Gabby. You touch on all points of the question well.

  3. The Apothecaries motto,” I am called through the world the bringer of aid.” An Apothecaries job relates to medicine and science because, some of the potions that Christopher makes help to heal people. Also, it relates to science because Christopher likes to make things explode and science involves explosions. An Apothecaries job also relates to the work of a Pharmacist or a Pharmacologist too. A pharmacist is also known as a chemist or a druggists. A pharmacologist is dealing with biology and the study of drug action. On page 10 is states,” To be an Apothecary,you must understand this: The recipe is everything.” An Apothecaries is also related to cooking because you need supplies and you need to get ingredients to make the solution. And to follow he recipient. Also apothecaries works are related to baking and cooking because you could bake something to heal or make someone feel better. On page 32 it states,” I stared at the mug. I'd just made poison. Stunned, I looked up at Master Benedict to find him watching me intently.” An Apothecary work relates to so many things.

  4. Maiya Swan
    In the book, The Blackthorn Key, the apothecaries motto is, “I am called, throughout the world the bringer of aid.” From my research, I found that an apothecary is “a person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs.” The purpose of an apothecary is to treat people with sickness. The job of an apothecary is related to medicine because you have to mix multiple things together to get the result. Continuing, an apothecary is also related to the job of science because you discover many new things and use a precise amount to get the right result you want. Lastly, an apothecary is related to cooking because some ingredients need to be boiled, cooked, and measured.

  5. Nice, thorough answer, Maiya. Your point about an apothecary needing to "use a precise amount to get ther ight result" is an important thing to remember. It's so true, and it's a factor to consider throughout the book.

  6. The apothecaries motto is “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid.” This is the apothecaries motto because of all the potions they create. The work of an apothecary is to create potions and medicines. Medicine is related to this because apothecaries’ are like pharmacists. Potions are basically medicine to help sick people feel better. This is also related to science because scientists create potions to make weird things happen or create something. Cooking is also related to this as well. Making potions or medicines is like cooking. You have to add a little of this and a little of that to make something. Adding just the right amount of things will create a good dish or potion.

  7. Ellie B-
        In the book “The Blackthorn Key,” the apothecary's motto is, “I am called throughout the world the  bringer of aid.” This is their motto because an apothecary's job is to heal the sick and help others in pain. An apothecary makes remedies, and sells them to those in need. An apothecary’s job can be related to medicine because in some ways apothecary's are doctors. Doctors use medicine to make people better. Yet apothecary’s use remedies to heal people in need. Overall, apothecary’s are doctors in some ways, which could make their remedy's be considered as medicines. On page 10 it says “The recipe is everything.” This can be related to cooking. While cooking one wrong ingredients could ruin your whole final product. Just like an apothecary one wrong move could easily kill someone. On page 32 it says “Finally, he handed me the last cup. This one will kill you. Drink it, and in five minutes you’ll be dead.” This shows us that for apothecary’s if you put a little too much of something in their remedy it could kill someone.

  8. The apothecaries’ motto is “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” because they help people. They find remedies to relieve people of pain or cure them. The work of an apothecary is to use recipes to create remedies. These remedies can be poisonous but they can also be very helpful. This job is very much related to medicine and science. When making medicine in our day people use scientific knowledge to create a mixture that can help cure a sickness. In this book they use their knowledge to create remedies to cure sickness as well. The work of an apothecary is also related to cooking. In cooking you use recipes and ingredients to create something. In this book they use recipes and ingredients to create remedies.

  9. Derrick c,

    In the book, The Blackthorn Key, the apothecaries motto is, “I am called, throughout the world the bringer of aid.” An Apothecaries job relates to medicine and science because, some of the potions that Christopher makes help to heal people.An apothecary makes remedies, and sells them to those in need. An apothecary’s job can be related to medicine because in some ways apothecary's are doctors. An Apothecaries job also relates to the work of a Pharmacist or a Pharmacologist too. A pharmacist is also known as a chemist or a druggists. You have to add a little of this and a little of that to make something. Adding just the right amount of things will create a good dish or potion.

    1. Nice, Derrick! You're very thorough here. And adding just the "right amount" can also cause an explosion or 2, right?? :)

  10. The apothecaries motto is, “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” because they come and help people with medical needs. An apothecary is a person who creates and uses recipes to make medicine and heal the people. The apothecaries are just like todays pharmacists. I think that the job is related to medicine and science because they have to put all the right amount of ingredients into a pot to make medicine that will work for people. This is also related to cooking because when you are cooking you use ingredients to cook with. Just like the apothecaries have to use their ingredients to make their medicine.

  11. The work of an apothecary is to prepare and sell medicines. This is related to medicine because in the book, they make medicines to sell. How it's related to science is that they have formulas and complicated recipes. Relating to this, cooking is related to this job because recipes like a cook book. The apothecaries motto "I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid," means that apothecaries are assigned throughout earth. Also, it means earth provides the ingredients to make medical things.

  12. Gabriela Hockeberry-GrimesJune 19, 2017 at 11:13 PM

    I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” This is the apothecaries motto because of what they do and their accomplishments. The apothecaries job has much in common with pharmacist and pharmacologists, all three have something to do with medicine. Pharmacists prescribe the medicine, pharmacologists make medicines and apothecaries do both. These people use medicine to help others. And in some ways apothecaries have similarities to a doctor. In fact, I asked my Grandpa who is a family practice doctor about apothecaries. He said that in medical school he had to read a whole book about apothecaries because his professor wanted his students to know the history of medicine and the practitioners. This job also contributes to science because apothecaries have to mix recipes which is a science. This is also a job where you have to be very meticulous with what you put into a recipe because it could kill one of your patients. He explains this on page 10 “To be an Apothecary,you must understand this: The recipe is everything.” he shows how important it is to make sure the recipes are precise again “A spoonful too little nither, a pinch too much aniseed, and your brilliant new remedy for dropsy would congeal instead into worthless green goo”. He also compares this job to baking which I could image, when baking, mixing up one ingredient could cause you to turn your cake into a cookie. Just like in the book when he says “This amount of madapple will cause terrible hallucinations, true waking nightmares.” but just the right amount could make that recipe do what it was made for.

  13. “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” is the apothecaries motto because there remedies helped or supposedly helped the people in need of their assistance. The pharmacist's job is a revolutionized version of the apothecary, so is the pharmacologists. The pharmacist prescribes the medicine to the user, whilst the pharmacologist makes the medicine. The apothecary did both. The apothecaries job relates to science as a chemist relates to science. They both mix stuff together, not necessarily till it explodes though. The apothecary mixes ingredients together to help people. A chemist could mix ingredients to discover new chemical compounds. An apothecary's work is related to cooking because they have to put certain amounts of ingredients in, like if the apothecaries put to much madapple in to their remedies it could turn into a deadly poison but if they used the right amount it could be really helpful to people with asthma. Say you were making a cake and you put too much flour in it would turn dry and tough but if you put in just the right amount you will have a nice, soft, and moist cake.

  14. Tayler Felton-

    In the book ‘The Blackthorn Key’, the apothecary’s moto is, “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid”. This moto is the moto the apothecaries use because the job of an apothecary is to preform procedures that help cure people. Apothecaries also make remedies and sell them. The job of an apothecary could be related to medicine, science, and cooking. Apothecaries’ jobs could be related to medicine, because apothecaries are kind of like doctors. Doctors use medicine to heal people, just like an apothecary would heal people with their remedies. Another thing you could relate the job of an apothecary is science. In science, you experiment and discover new things. Apothecaries experiment to, discover new remedies. Finally, you could relate the job of an apothecary to cooking. The job of an apothecary is related to cooking because some ingredients need to be cooked and measured, just like the ingredients that are used to make remedies.

  15. I believe the apothecary's motto is "I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid" because of the apothecary's job. Apothecaries make potions and remedies, which seem to help whoever is using them in some way. I believe on page 31-32 (I downloaded the book on the kindle and it doesn't show the page number) it says, "The skin all along her spine was red and raw. It looked unbearably itchy. I glanced over at Master Benedict again, unsure of what I was supposed to do. This time, he motioned to the satchel I carried. I looked inside to find a thick ceramic jar, its wide mouth stopped with a cork. I pulled out the stopper, then recoiled in horror. Inside was a chunky, dark brown cream that looked like the back of a baby's diaper. It smelled like it, too. 'Spread a layer over the rash,' Master Benedict said quietly. 'Thick enough to cover it, but no thicker.' I shuddered as I slid my fingers into the slime, praying it wasn't what it felt like. Then I smeared a handful over Lady Lucy's back. To my surprise, not only did she not complain about the smell, she sagged visibly in relief as the goo slid over her skin. 'Much better,' she sighed. 'Thank you Mr. Blackthorn.'" The foul smelling goo that Christopher applied to Lady Lucy seemed to help her with the pain of the rash, which is a solid example of why the apothecary's motto is "I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid". As stated before, an apothecary mixes certain ingredients together to create a concoction that can be used for medicinal use, or to make something like gunpowder. The job of an apothecary is very similar to that of a scientist, because they both use different components to create something useful, or in hopes of discovering something new. The work an apothecary does can also be loosely compared to cooking. While cooking, a recipe is quite often used. This also applies to making certain remedies, poisons, and potions. If an apothecary were to mix in too much of a single ingredient, it could destroy the purpose of that remedy. In the book it says, "'Good. Now take three of those seeds, crush them, and place them in the first cup. Place six in the second, and ten in the third. Then pour the boiling water over them and let them steep.'"..."'In small doses,' Master Benedict said, 'madapple is effective for treating asthma.' He pushed the first cup towards me. Three crushed seeds swirled at the bottom of the darkened water. It smelled rank. 'This is the correct dose for a man of ordinary size.' He pushed the second cup toward me. 'This amount of madapple will cause terrible hallucinations, true walking nightmares. Once those are gone, the patient's body will be racked with pain for days.' Finally, he handed me the last cup. 'This will kill you. Drink it, and in five minutes you'll be dead.'" If Christopher had put too much madapple into a remedy for one with asthma, he could have either killed them, or put them into great pain without meaning to. This goes hand-in-hand with the concept of cooking. If you put too much salt in anything you are making, unless you are trying to make a saltlick, it will destroy the final product.

    1. Great analogies and examples, Kaitlyn. It's amazing how too much of something can do such damage, especially when that "something" is critical to doing good. Ironic!

  16. Is that too much????

    1. Kaitlyn, you crack me up! It's not too much....I love hearing and reading all of your thoughts!


  17. Rachel Bake-

    The apothecaries motto is “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid.” I think this is the motto because apothecaries are really good at making items to heal you. An example of this is when Christopher had to treat his masters wounds. On page 52 it says “I washed away the soot, that from his face too. I scooped dried poppies from one of the jars into the water boiling in the pot on the fire and after a minute, poured the water into the mug beside the bed.” Christopher had to make a pain reliever for his master. Another example of a healing item is the cream Christopher put on Lady Lucy. On page 36 it says “I smeared a handful of it onto Lady Lucy’s back. To my surprise not only did she not complain about the smell, she staggered visually in relief as the goo slid over her back.” Earlier in the book it told us that it was a brown mixture that Christopher's master had most likely made. Apothecaries job has a lot to do with science and medicine. I think this because in the book Christopher and his master have to use loads of science to figure out the formula of a lot of their mixtures. For example on pages 31-33, Christopher is told about madapple and how much of it to use, and what it is used for. It must have taken science to figure out what it was and it is used for medicine. Apothecaries job also involves cooking. They cave to combine and cook a lot of their mixtures that they make.

    1. They have to be careful when adding things, too. I agree that science, medicine, and cooking are all relatable to the job of an apothecary. Rachel, you use excellent evidence here!

  18. Joshua Bloomfield
    I think that the apothecaries motto 'I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid' because back then they did not have pharmacies and an apothecary was the closest thing they had. For example on pages 34-36 Master Benedict and Christopher go to the owner of a mansion to help her with a rash that is described as a " all along her spine was red raw and looked unbearably itchy." Master Benedict then pulls out a bottle with "a chunky brown cream that looked like the back of a babies diaper." This was then covered over the rash where the lady then visibly relaxes, the
    chunky cream helping her. Secondly they foreshadow that the job is tough but needed for example when Master Benedict teaches Christopher about the properties of the madapple and what it does and then asks him what he learned Chris replies " I'm the one who's responsible" For why the job is related to medicine, science, and cooking is because of how the remedies are made.. For example just like cooking/alchemy(a kind of science) ingredients are mixed together making a new thing used to help someone which is where it then branches into medicine.

    1. Nice evidence, Josh! I also think an apothecary's shop was just like a pharmacy today, which is to your point. They are very similar trades.

  19. Joshua Bloomfield
    I think that the apothecaries motto 'I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid' because back then they did not have pharmacies and an apothecary was the closest thing they had. For example on pages 34-36 Master Benedict and Christopher go to the owner of a mansion to help her with a rash that is described as a " all along her spine was red raw and looked unbearably itchy." Master Benedict then pulls out a bottle with "a chunky brown cream that looked like the back of a babies diaper." This was then covered over the rash where the lady then visibly relaxes, the
    chunky cream helping her. Secondly they foreshadow that the job is tough but needed for example when Master Benedict teaches Christopher about the properties of the madapple and what it does and then asks him what he learned Chris replies " I'm the one who's responsible" For why the job is related to medicine, science, and cooking is because of how the remedies are made.. For example just like cooking/alchemy(a kind of science) ingredients are mixed together making a new thing used to help someone which is where it then branches into medicine.

  20. In the book, The Blackthorn Key, the apothecary’s motto is, “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid.” I think that this is their motto because an apothecary’s job is to mix ingredients and use special techniques to help and heal people. They are bringing aid to people in need. Not only does and apothecary mix ingredients to create powerful remedies, but they also create and use complex codes and puzzles. They use these codes so other apothecarys’ don’t steal their ideas and recipes. An apothecary’s job is similar to medicine because the remedies they make help people who are sick or wounded. Their job is similar to science because they have to make exact measurements and be very precise. It is similar to baking because the apothecarys’ use recipes to make their remedies. Apothecarys’ also write recipes when they figure out a new remedy or medicine. The profession of an apothecary is very detailed and complicated.

  21. In the book "The Blackthorn Key" the apothecaries motto is “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid." I think this is their motto because they use their recipes to help people. The work of an apothecary consists of, creating recipes and remedies (and using these recipes and remedies to help people) and cracking/creating codes to keep their recipes and remedies safe from other apothecaries. The works of apothecaries are related to medicine through their recipes, apothecaries recipes are like medication. An example of this is in the book, when it says "The skin all along her spine was red and raw. It looked unbearably itchy." and also when it says, "...i smeared a hand full of it over Lady Lucy's back. to my surprise she did not complain about the smell, she sagged visibly in relief as the goo slid over her skin." This shows that the recipe worked and helped the "patent" just like most medications do today. The apothecaries job is also related to cooking. It is related to cooking because ,just like with cooking, you have to have all the right ingredients to make what you want to make.

  22. In the book, "The Blackthorn Key," the apothecarey's motto is, "I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid." I think this is their motto because an apothecarey's job is to make recipes/remedies to help people. The apothecarey's use codes and puzzles so that other apothecarey's can't steal the recipe. Some remedies are poisonous but others are very helpful. On page 32, it states, " 'In small doses,' Master Benedict said, 'madapple is effective for treating asthma.' " In this case, this remedie is helpful because it helps with asthma. Page 32 goes on to say that, "Finally he handed me the last cup. 'This will kill you. Drink it, and in five minutes you'll be dead.' " In this case, this remedie is poisonous because it can kill you. An apotocarey's job is related to medicine and science because they both have to work with ingredients to make a medicine that can cure people who are hurt or sick. It is also a lot like cooking because in order to get the perfect taste, you have to use the right amount of an ingredient.

  23. The apothecaries' motto is “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” because it represents the job of an apothecary which is to heal sick people. Apothecaries were individuals who provided medicine to those in need during the 18th century. They created medicines and remedies to a wide variety of ailments. An apothecary's job is similar to medicine and science because scientists, doctors, and an apothecary's work must be precise. If there is the wrong combination of ingredients, the outcomes could be catastrophic. On page 32, Master Benedict Blackthorn says, "This will kill you. Drink it, and in five minutes you'll be dead." Blackthorn said that right after he purposefully miscalculated the ingredients of a potion. This relates to medicine because if you give the wrong dosage of something, it could be fatal. This also relates to science because when working with chemicals, if you use the wrong combination, you could end up with a dangerous concoction. An apothecary's work is also related to cooking because when say baking a cake, you add too much of one ingredient, you could end up with a rock solid cake. The same goes for when an apothecary is making a remedy for someone's illness. If the apothecary were to add just a hair too much of one ingredient, instead of curing the disease, they could worsen it.

  24. The apothecaries motto is “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” it is called this because they present themselves to be someone who knows how to fix things that are wrong with people. An apothecaries job is to mix substances together to create a “medicine” that will heal people. An apothecary’s job, like christopher says on page 22, “I had to wake first and get the shop ready, help customers, assist my master in the workshop, practice on my own, study, and so on, until well after the sun had fallen. Then I had to put everything away, prepare the day’s last meal, and clean the shop for tomorrow before I finally got some sleep.” But basically their job is to sell medicine sort of like a pharmacist. Their job is related to to medicine because they sell substances that they mix to help people, so it is basically a kind of medicine. It is also related to science, because they have to measure the right amount of what the recipe calls for and put it into a formula. It is related to cooking because they have to measure and are making a substance.

  25. " I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid " is the apothecaries motto because of the work the accomplished. Also because the made things to heal you. The present themselves as someone who can fix things that are wrong with people. Their job is is to mix substance together to make remedies to help people who are sick or hurt. This is how they are related to medicine . But they are also connected to science because of the chemical they work with. But the reason it is connected to cooking because af all the ingredients and recipes they use to put together their medicine and remedies. Like Christopher says on page 22 " I had to wake first and get the shop ready , help customers and assist my master."

  26. So their job is to help people how are sick or hurt but also to make medicine and remedies

  27. Hunter Arends

    The apothecaries’ motto “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid" describes the work of an apothecary, which is to treat and heal people. They treat people using medicine which they make with science. The apothecaries use science to find properties of certain plants, metals, etc. Then they mix the ingredients together to make medicine. This can be related to cooking because mixing ingredients to make medicine is like cooking ingredients to make food. Both making medicine and making food include mixing, heating, and cooling.

  28. The apothecaries motto is "I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid", because they heal and help people. By creating different types of healing ointments, potions, and creams they help provide remedies for people. The apothecaries work is very hard and stressful. Every ingredient must be the perfect amount or the potion could become deadly. Their job could be related to science, since they have to come up with different types of potions and create experiments. Cooking could be close to a apothecaries job, for instance trying over and over to prefect a remedy.

  29. I think the apothecaries motto is "I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid" because as seen in the book, the apothecaries made special remedies for people who needed "aid". The work of an apothecary must be very difficult, seeing as one wrong measurement or ingredient could turn the harmless cold medicine into a deadly poison. Everyone counts on the apothecaries to be the best at making recipes to help other people. An apothecaries job could relate to science because in the book people state, "apothecaries are always experimenting to come up with new remedies." Their jobs could relate to cooking because you need just the right amount of ingredients or the batch goes bad.

    1. Posted By Gavin Bracken under my mother's account.

  30. Jerek-
    I think the apothecary’s motto is, “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” because an apothecary helps people with their recipes and remedies. I think this because in chapter 13, the book states, “As a physician Dr. Lange needed someone to fill his patients’ prescriptions, so he contracted his friend Hugh as his exclusive apothecary.” An apothecary is a person who creates medical remedies for patients, surgeons, and physicians. In the book, Master Benedict and Christopher have many regular patients; one of the patents is Lady Brent, who needs an ointment applied to her back because her corset pinches her skin too tightly. The job is directly related to medicine because an apothecary creates medical remedies to aid those in need. An apothecary is also directly related to science because without science there wouldn’t be any of the medical supplies that an apothecary uses. An apothecary is related to cooking because an apothecary must mix the recipes correctly to create an accurate medicine. This is shown in chapter 3, when Master Benedict tells Christopher that three mad apples will help with asthma, but nine will kill anyone who ingests them in five minutes.

    1. Jerek, I love your example in that last sentence! Great back up!

  31. Ellie Springfield
    The apothecaries’ motto is, “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid.” Apothecaries make remedies for illnesses and diseases. They use anything from herbs to pigeon poop to create creams, potions and powders. The job is related to medicine because they make things that help with sickness. An apothecaries job is also related to science because it is very important to know what to mix with what, how much of something to use and what not to use to make a remedy. On page 32, Master Benedict talks about how different doses of madapple can either help you, hinder you or kill you. There is a very important aspect of science in an apothecaries job. Apothecaries also have to experiment with many different ingredients to figure out cures for illnesses, that is also using science. It is also related to cooking because everything they make needs to have a recipe so they know what to do, just like in cooking.

  32. The apothecary's motto is “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid.” The reason this is their motto is that apothecary’s are in charge of bringing aid to the world through their healing potions. The apothecary’s job is to create healing medicines for the wounded. By doing this, they are bringing good to the world. In the book, it states, “The skin all along her spine was red and raw. It looked unbearably itchy” It goes on to say, “....I smeared a hand full of it over Lady Lucy's back. to my surprise she did not complain about the smell, she sagged visibly in relief as the goo slid over her skin.” The apothecary’s are in charge of bringing help to those in need of it. By doing this, they are bringing the world aid. In an apothecary’s job, you have to get the ingredients just right in order to have a medicine work out. In the book, Master Benedict gives Christopher the examples of madapples. He gives Christopher one cup and explains that it is good. He goes on to give him two other cups that have just a tad bit more madapple in them and explains that these cups will cause hallucinations or death. In baking, it is important to use the correct ingredients and the correct proportions unless you want a rock hard or falling to pieces cake.

  33. The apothecary's motto is "I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid". There motto is like that because the apothecary's are in charge of making healing potions and saving peoples lives.The work of an apothecary is very precise. The apothecary's have to be very good at there job. If they make one mistake they could kill someone.The apothecary's use different kinds of herbs to make there potions.In the book it states "The recipe is everything, it isn't like baking a cake." What I think this sentence means is the baking a cake is easy but making a potion to save a life is way harder then baking a cake.The job is related to medicine and science because to make medicine you mix ingredients.Science is related to an apothecary's job because medicine is made of chemicals .Chemicals are part of science. In baking you read directions on what ingredients to put in and how much you have to put in.Its like baking because you use ingredients and you have to put the exact amount in the potion.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. The apothecary's motto is "I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid". There motto is like that because they're in charge of making healing potions for the people in the 18th century. They can make potions, powders, and creams from anything between herbs to pigeon poop to help the people. The apothecary's job must be very difficult because seeing as one wrong measurement or ingredient can come from a harmless medicine to a deadly potion. I feel that the apothecary's job is similar to baking because one wrong ingredient can ruin the final product just as if the wrong ingredient to the ointment can kill someone. I also feel that science is related to an apothecary's job because in the ointment are chemicals and in science there are chemicals.

  36. The apothecary acted as what we would consider a modern day pharmacist. The role of an apothecary was often times to create remedies to help a sick patient get better, which in other words would bring aid to that sick patient. The job of an apothecary was to first create a remedy using chemical and herbal ingredients to solve a patients problem. Once they created a medicine that was successful they would dispense that item to their patients. The major role of the apothecary in their society was to help others get better. The job of the apothecary relates to science due to the use of chemicals in their remedies. The remedies created could then be used to help heal a sick patient much like how in today's world we use medicine to solve problems like stomach aches. The apothecary job is very much like cooking because of the use of measurements. When cooking we often measure out our ingredients, and the apothecaries do the same thing when creating their remedies.

  37. The apothecaries motto,"I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid", comes from the fact that apothecaries were people who were known as who to go to for help when they were sick, needed healing, or remedies for common illnesses. Apothecaries came up with their own, "potions, creams, jellies, and powders." These recipes were figured out by the apothecary through trial and error and experimentation. Some ingredients used by the apothecary could be harmful or even deadly. This made coming up with new recipes very dangerous. Once a recipe was completed, the only way to continue to make the successful recipes would be to write them down with precise instructions. This way future mixtures could be made precisely and safely. This job is similar to a pharmacist today, who must use exact formulas and measurements when dispensing medication. It is also similar to cooking because you have to know how to follow a recipe and what the different ingredients are as well as how to mix it all together with the correct measurements to end up with the right end result. Just like when you make cookies, if you don't put the right ingredients, in the right measurements, the cookies will not come out tasting the right way.

  38. “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” This is the apothecaries motto because of the work they accomplished. Apothecary's use different herbs and ingredients to make potions, powders and creams. In the book on page 10 it states, “The recipe is everything, It isn’t like baking a cake. This is related to baking because if you put too much of an ingredient it won't work and if you don't put enough of an ingredient.

  39. Bella Leal- The apothecaries Motto is "I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” because the dangers of being a apothecarie and how precise, they have to be if they put a little bit too much of anything it can turn into a lethal potion. It is related to the medical and science field in many ways being when making potions and creams they relate to prescriptions and medicines. Some medicines are to help people cure or make them better and that goes for some potions and creams as well. It's related to science in many ways as when they make potions it takes specific chemicals and ingredients that if not used the right way can become really dangerous. Same thing with using chemicals in science when scientist use certain chemicals and experimenting anything can go wrong. In cooking you have to have a certain recipe for what you are going to make and there is many ways to make one like in making a potion. For example when baking a cake you have to have the right ingredients and all have to everything in the correct order or it will not become a cake. While making a potion you have to do the same thing as with a cake.

  40. Jesse P.
    Apothecaries motto is, "I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid". This is the motto because Apothecaries would give out and make medicine. The work of an Apothecaries is creating medicine from powders, herbs,and liquids. Today that would be like being a pharmacist or chemist. Being an apothecaries is more than likely a lot of cooking. On page 32 master Benedict was baking a madapple that would be used for treating asthma. This would be related to cooking because of the exact measuring of ingredients and following a recipe.

  41. Trinity H.-

    The apothecaries’ motto is, “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid”. They have this motto because it describes the work they do. Apothecaries would make "cure-alls", elixirs, and medicines. Though not as effective as the apothecaries' thought, this was their job. Apothecaries had to know a lot of sciences and medicine, because this is what their job revolved around. Without knowing science, the apothecaries would not know what substances they could safely mix without causing an explosion or something like that. Without at least basic medicinal knowledge, the apothecaries wouldn't know what substances have healing properties, or what to do with them. They also had to know how to cook, because many medicines required some kind of heat to actually be usable.

  42. The reason that "I am called throughout the world as a bringer of aid" is the apothecarie's motto is because the apothecaries were pretty much the doctors back in those days. The work of an apothecary is like being a doctor because they created remedies to cure things such as asthma.for example on pg32 the author states "'in small doses' master Benedictory said,' madapple is effective for treating asthma.'" The work of an apothecary is also like baking because you have to get the right ingredients or else the mix will turn out wrong.

  43. Cailan M
    I believe the apothecary's motto is “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” because an apothecary is a pharmacist from many centuries ago. An apothecary's job is related to medicine and science because their job was to prepare and distribute medicines which could help or aid people with their illnesses or problems. I think his motto talks about him being the “bringer of aid,” because he aided people with his medicine. Although, an apothecary's job is also related to cooking because they have to follow recipes and combine just the right amount of ingredients to create their medicine. On page 10 it talks about the importance of putting just the right amount of an ingredient into a mixture, or else the whole thing can go wrong. This also reminds me of cooking because if you add too much of one thing, like salt, you can ruin a whole dish.

  44. Joshua Youles
    The apothecary motto is "I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid" In my my opinion I think the reason why the apothecary's motto is that because apothecary's were basically doctors/scientists back in the day. The work of an apothecary is giving people remedy to "help" out the person who bought it. An example is if somebody needed black powder for a cannon the apothecary would sell the black powder to the customer.The job is related to medicine by using remedy to heal wounds. The job is also related to science by combing substances to create a new remedy. Finally the job is related to cooking by using remedys in foods to heal people or having to combine two substances to create another substance.

  45. The apothecaries motto “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” is related to cooking because the apothecaries have to mix ingredients and cook the ingredients in order to make elixirs and and medicine, on page 10 it lists ingredients on how to make gunpowder listing jellies powders among other ingredients showing he has to mix those ingredients as you do in cooking to create the gunpowder. The way it's related to science and medicine is all the ingredients it takes to make the medicine and the scientific needs to make it all.

  46. The motto of the apothecaries, “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” represents their belief and feelings that their methods can and will heal all. Apothecaries responsibilty is to create, deliver, and heal those in need. Their job is related to medicine and science in the way of mixing ingredients with specific formulas to create a healing potion. It is related to cooking because most recipes and potions are mixed similar to how anyone would bake in a kitchen today. For instance, in the book, Christopher was taught to make healing lotion for Lady Lucy's rash.

  47. I think the apothecaries motto is “I am called throughout the world the bringer of aid” since apothecaries were like present day pharmacists. They make remedies that heal sickness and cure wounds. For example, on page 32, Master Benedict taught Christopher how to use madapple to make a cure for asthma. An apothecaries job is related to cooking since you have to mix together all the ingredients and follow the directions to get your desired result.
